Information about the quality of each face in the photo
The ID of this request
"code": 1000,
"faces": [
"rect": { # face frame position
"left": integer, # The left border of the face frame is the X-coordinate, and the upper left corner of the image is the origin of coordinates
"top": integer, # The top border of the face frame is the Y-coordinate, and the upper left corner of the image is the origin of coordinates
"right": integer, # The right border of the face frame is the X-coordinate, and the upper left corner of the image is the origin of coordinates
"bottom": integer # The bottom border of the face frame is the Y-coordinate, and the upper left corner of the image is the origin of coordinates
"pose": { # pose angle information
"yaw": float, # rotation angle around the Y-axis
"pitch": float, # rotation angle around the X-axis
"roll": float # rotation angle around the Z-axis
"occlusion":{ # occlusion information
"left_eye": float, # The proportion of left eye not occluded with value range between [0,1]. The larger the value, the less occlusion
"right_eye": float, # The proportion of right eye not occluded with value range between [0,1]. The larger the value, the less occlusion
"nose": float, # The proportion of nose not occluded with value range between [0,1]. The larger the value, the less occlusion
"mouth": float, # The proportion of mouth not occluded with value range between [0,1]. The larger the value, the less occlusion
"total": float # The proportion of five features not occluded with value range between [0,1]. The larger the value, the less occlusion
"distance2center": float, # The proportion of the distance of the face to the center of the image with value range between [0,1]. The higher the score, the closer the face to the center of the image. The calculation formula is as follows: max (1-distance from the center of five features to the center of the image/distance of the short side of the image, 0)
"size": float, # The proportion of five features in the image with value range between [0,1]. The higher the score, the greater the proportion of five features: Area of the five features in the image/image area
"brightness": float, # Face brightness score with value range between [-1,1]. The higher the score, the higher the brightness
"sharpness": float, # Face sharpness score with value range between [0,1]. The higher the score, the higher the sharpness
"mouth_open": float, # Degree of mouth opening with value range between [0,1]. The higher the score, the lower the degree of mouth opening
"integrity": float # Integrity of the five features in the image, with value range between [0,1]. The higher the score, the more integral the face is in the image. The calculation formula is as follows: Area of the five features in the image/five features area
"request_id": string