Q1 What errors does the SDK provide?

A: For more information, please refer to ResultCode.

Q2 If the project uses code obfuscation, do I need to do anything extra?

A: Since the code will not find the method and cause a crash after obfuscation occurs, it is recommended to ignore provided package directory in the obfuscation configuration first.

Specifically, the following code is added to the proguard file to resolve this issue:

-dontwarn com.sensetime.**
-keep class com.sensetime.** { *; }

Q3 xxx.so error is reported during integration. What are the possible causes?

A: The provided SDK supports armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a. xxx.so error may be caused by incorrectly integrated SDK (please check if liveness-silent-online-cn-release.aar file is imported), or the used device is not supported by SDK.

Q4 Integration error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: xxx

A: This problem is caused by the failure of the loading library. The provided SDK supports arm64-v8a & armeabi-v7a. Please check whether your current project supports these two types of CPU architectures. If armebi support is needed, please set in build.gradle, as follows:

ndk {

abiFilters 'armeabi', 'armeabi-v7a' , 'arm64-v8a'


Q5 The error code STID_E_API_KEY_INVALID is returned, stating "API account information error. Please check the network and API_KEY and API_SECRET". The account information is entered correctly, but this error is prompted. How do I solve this problem?


  1. For the trial account, confirm whether the account information is incorrectly entered, such as whether there are extra spaces.

  2. For the official account, if it is confirmed that the account information is entered correctly, but this error is still prompted, it means that the package name entered in the project is not bound to API_KEY. Please contact support staff to bind the package.

Q6 The error code STID_E_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_FOUND is returned. What are the reasons for "license file does not exist"?

A: The provided SDK demo does not contain the license file by default, please refer to the details in License introduction. The possible causes of the error are as follows:

  1. No license file was introduced before running the SDK demo directly.

  2. The name of the xxx.lic license file is inconsistent with the one in the code.

  3. Check whether the device storage is available and whether the device permissions are set. For details, check if there is a xxx.lic file in the device's sensetime folder.

Note: If you still get an error after the above checking steps, it is recommended to clear the cache or shut the project and restart it.

Q7 What are the architectures supported by the SDK? How do I set up to support the armeabi architecture?

A: The provided SDK aar includes two architectures: arm64-v8a and armeabi-v7a. The SDK only supports these two architectures by default.

If armeabi needs to be supported at the same time, copy the so file of armeabi-v7a in the SDK aar package to the armeabi folder in their respective projects.

Note: The architectures x86 x86_64 mips and mips64 are not supported.

Last updated