1 Overview

This page describes the overview of the OpenAPI in Mercury Cloud.

Mercury Cloud OpenAPI offers AI algorithms that detect, recognize and analyze faces in images with high service availability and high-level security measures to ensure the stable and continuous growth of your online business. This service provides several different facial analysis functions.

By utilizing this RESTful API platform, your systems can retrieve and integrate information on Face Detection, Face Quality, Face Verification, Face Identification, as well as feature database management and face feature management. Some quickstart guides to these functions will be introduced in the later chapters.

Face Detection

The API detects faces in images and returns rectangle coordinates representing the locations of the faces. The API also extracts several face-related attributes, such as face angle, gender, age, emotion, etc. All attributes are predicted by AI algorithms, not actual classification.

Refer to Chapter 5 for a quickstart guide to this function.

Face Verification (Face Comparison)

The API detects the largest face in two images and verifies whether these two faces are from the same person. Face verification is also called "one-to-one" or "1:1" matching. Verification can be used in identity verification that matches a snapshot with a previously registered image, like a photo on the driver's license.

Refer to Chapter 6 for a quickstart guide to this function.

Face Identification (Face Searching)

The API searches a detected face among all registered face features in the feature databases and returns the closest results. Face identification is also called "one-to-many" or "1:N" matching. Candidate results are returned based on the similarity with the detected face. After creating a feature database and adding some registration photos to the database, you can perform the face identification with a newly uploaded image.

Refer to Chapter 7 for a quickstart guide to this function.

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