Monocular Face Tracking
Monocular Face Tracking
Windows/Linux/Arm_Linux interface is described here, for Android interface please refer to Android Interface Description.
Function: Create a handle by loading a model file
1, The SDK handle of the current version does not support multi-thread calls, if you need to call multiple threads for multiple times, multiple handles need to be created: a separate handle for each thread.
2, For each thread, the initialization function only needs to be called one time; subsequent face detection functions can be called multiple times without creating a new handle.
[out] out_handle: Return the initialized handle, when not in use, call destroy_handle to release resource.
[in] alignment_model_filename: Pass the location of the alignment model file.
[in] config: Setup configuration options for the detector. Set to 0 to use default configuration. The default configuration is: ST_DETECT_LARGE_FACE (large face mode) and single-threaded mode. The configuration can also be set to ST_DETECT_SMALL_FACE (small face mode), and STID_FACEPRO_TRACKING_CONFIG_ASYNC (async tracking mode). For detailed configuration parameters supported by the configuration options, please refer to Section 4.1.2: Structure and macro definition-> Face detection tracking configuration option macro definition.
Return: Return STID_OK if successful, otherwise return error code.
Function: Release handle
[in] handle: Handle to be released
Return: None
Function: Restart handle
[in]handle: Handle to be restarted
Return: Return ST_OK if successful, otherwise return error type.
Function: Input one frame of image for face tracking. Call this interface continuously to implement face tracking for continuous frames.
[in] handle: Initialized handle
[in] input_image: Pass in a frame of image
[in] face_orientation: Specify face orientation
[in] time_stamp_s: Time stamp information of the frame, in seconds, floating point (decimal point represents the precision in seconds).
[out] out_targets_array: Return the detected face information array, API is responsible for allocating memory, need to call stid_facepro_tracking_release_targets_array to release.
[out] out_targets_array_count: Return the number of faces detected.
[return]Return STID_OK if successful, otherwise return error code.
Function: Configure face detection options, support tracking handle
[in] handle: Initialized handle
[in] option_type: Specify configuration options. Valid configuration type currently supported is STID_FACEPRO_DETECTION_OPTION_TYPE_LIMIT, setting up the maximum number of targets to track.
[in] value: New value to be setup. According to the currently supported configuration type, the value indicates the maximum number of targets to be set, in the range of [1, 32].
[out] out_new_value: If not nullptr, the new value used is returned. Due to internal limitations, the actual value used may not be equal to value.
[return] Return STID_OK if successful, otherwise return error code.
Function: Release face detection information
1, Call this function after each call to the face tracking function to release resources.
[in] targets_array: Beginning location of the face information array to be released.
[in] targets_array_count Amount of face information arrays to be released.
Return: None
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